Here is my little first grader on her first day of 1st grade:
Showing off her new shoes. :-)
And her new lunch box and backpack.
Buckled in and ready to go!!
She had a great first day, and a great week. She is making new friends and still really likes her teacher. Next week they are bussing the first graders to the public pool for swimming lessons! I LOVE that the schools do that, as she had swimming lessons at the end of the school year for kindergarten, and now right away at the beginning of first grade. She has made such huge improvements of the summer, so I am excited to see how well she does with her lessons this time.
The other big project we have been working on is our backyard, and I am so happy to say that it is finally COMPLETE!!! We had new sod put down on Thursday, and it looks so pretty back there compared to the weedy, muddy mess it was when the bought the place. Here are the before and after pictures:
It looks so much better, doesn't it?? I am keeping the kids off of it for about a week or so to let it take root, and then I plan on shoving them out into the backyard for hours on end and take advantage of finally having a fenced in backyard! :-)
Last night (Friday), we took Silas and Ava to the Portrait Studio at Target to get his 2 year pictures taken (I know....I am a few months late, but better late than never, right??) and I wanted an updated sibling picture of the two of them, as the last one I have he was just six months old. He actually did a fantastic job, and the photographer told us that he acted more like a four year old than a two year old, and that he was the best two year she had ever had, and she wished they were all just like him. How hilarious is that??? Silas, the best two year old?? Hahaha!!! He has such a personality though, and he was just hamming it up for her, so it was fun to watch. We got a couple of good sibling ones too, so when we get them back I will put them on the blog for all to see. When we got home from that, we just goofed around and had some nice family time.....which usually equates to "wrestle with Daddy" time. :-)
Silas is completely naked in this picture....except for his sister's shoes, her backpack, and her lunch box. When he got them all on, he waved and said, "Bye!" to all of us, and walked to the door. Apparently he is ready to go to school too......a nudist school.
Ava practicing her cheers.
My little naked boy. :-)