Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend in Review:

I can't believe it is Sunday night already!  Where did this weekend go?  We were busy here, and for about the first time, we did NOT go to a Disney park!  I know, that's crazy, but we had enough to do around here.  On Saturday, my best friend, Tiff's mom and stepdad, Jean and Jim Toillion stopped over for a visit.  There were here to run the Daytona Half Marathon last weekend, and Jean was flying home Saturday afternoon.  Jim was staying for a few more days to visit more people, and then driving back to Eagle Grove.  It was so nice to see them, catch up with them, and they even brought us their leftover groceries from their time at their timeshare that they did not use.  How nice of them!  Jim left to watch a training game, and I took Jean to the airport.  Then the whole family headed over to the local Home Depot for some fun-filled family shopping.  :-)  There is so much that we need to get there, but we held back and concentrated on just some shelving/storage for our garage.  It is SO desperately needed!  Our garage is a mess!

On Sunday we spent the majority of the day outside, trimming our bushes and hedges, and working on the garage.  It is moving at just baby steps, and we still need a lot more to get that thing organized, but it is finally looking better!! 

The kids were great all weekend, and Silas is really starting to talk more and more.  We can't understand a lot of it, but he sure is trying.  He has started telling on his Sissy when she is doing something he does not like, by coming to get one of us, taking our hands, pointing at Ava, and starting to tell us a whole string of things that involve the word "Sissy" a whole bunch, and a lot of finger pointing at her. :-)

Here are my pictures for this post:

Silas tried Nutella for the first time, and let's just say it was a big hit.  Once the little "breadsticks" were gone, he resorted to using his fingers (almost his whole hand) to just dig down in the container for a little bit more.  I had to take the second picture, because after the first one, Silas realized that Daddy did not smile.  He pointed at Eric, pointed at the camera, and said, "Dadda!  CHEESE!"  :-)
Have a good Monday everyone!!

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