Monday, July 15, 2013

Another weekend in the books!

We have decided that since we know we won't be living in Florida forever, and there is still so much to do and see that we haven't yet, that from now on, Saturdays will be our designated "fun day" and Sundays will be our "home improvement/work day."  We still have lots that we need to do with the house, and although we may be moving at a snail's pace, it is getting done!

So on our first assigned "fun day," we decided to go to Sea World.  Eric and Silas had not been there yet (Ava and I went with her class for a field trip), and they run a special for Florida residents where you pay for one day, and then can go no charge for the rest of the calendar year.  It was a ton of fun, and although it was super hot, both kids did great!  The best thing about getting to go for free for the rest of the year is that we were able to leave at about 2:00 p.m. when Silas fell asleep and didn't feel the need to do the entire park in one day.
Waiting for Daddy to get the tickets

Stingray Lagoon

He was able to touch one!  Ava didn't want to try. :-)

Ava and a Toucan bird

Waiting for the Shamu show to begin

My Ava Bava

Lots of fun to watch!

Riding the "choo-choo" train

This is how Silas does "two thumbs up."  So cute!!

Going on a ride with my daredevil daughter.

Ava watching the dolphins

On Sunday, our "work day," Eric's main thing on his to-do list was to paint the south side of our house.  It was a big job.  We had had the stucco repaired a few months ago, and now the entire house needs to be painted.  We are doing it ourselves with the hope of saving some moo-lah, and by "we" I really just mean Eric. :-)
Thankfully Eric had a little helper.

In Florida, it is perfectly acceptable to do just about anything in your swimsuit. :-)

A "before" pic so you can see the old paint job with the white stucco repair areas.

And after!  No more white lines.  It looks a little weird because the paint is still so wet, but it looks great!!

Hard working man!

While he was doing that, I took the kids and ran some errands, one of which included getting Silas's first haircut!  He did such a good job, and I was really happy with how it turned out.


It was long in the back!!

All ready for his first haircut!

Such a big boy!  He watched in the mirror.  :-)

He combed Ava's hair so the lady could cut the side.  Ava is such a good helper!!

Ta-Dah!  A handsome little man!

After shot of the side.

After shot of the back.  Much shorter, but not too short!  I love it!

What a cutie!!

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