Monday, March 11, 2013

Birthday weekend!

It was another crazy busy weekend for us here, and I was going to update the blog last night, but was just too exhausted.  Opted to go to bed early instead. :-)

On Friday night Ava did her sleepover with her friend, Taylor.  They had a lot of fun.  Taylor's mom took the girls to the Justice Store, which they loved.  Then they stayed up watching a movie.  Of course Ava was the last one to fall asleep, and we got a couple of phone calls about 11:00 p.m. when she wasn't sure if she wanted to stay all night or not.  But she decided she could do, and was able to make it until the next morning. 

So Eric, Silas, and I had a nice little Friday evening just the three of us.  That hasn't really happened too much, and it was amazing how quiet it was without Ava's chatter box.  I even "caught" Silas sitting in his room all by himself reading books.

Oh, and I thought this was kind of cute.  Silas's new thing when he is finished eating is to stack his food like blocks.  I guess it is much better than throwing it. :-)

On Saturday morning, I picked up Ava from Taylor's house and we headed to Kohls.  I needed to grab a birthday gift for a party she was invited to, and when she came home from school on Friday, her tennis shoes were broken.  She has been asking for "tie" shoes, but my rule has always been, I will buy you "tie" shoes when you learn how to tie them.  I do not have time to tie your shoes every single day, and I am sure your teacher does not either.  So, we have been practicing, and a few weeks ago she finally mastered it.  She was able to get her first pair of shoes with laces in them.  She was pretty excited about them!

 I cannot believe she wears a size 1 already!!!!
After Kohls we were off to the birthday party that she had been invited to.  It was at a place called Monkey Joe's, and for those of you who haven't heard of one, think Chuck E. Cheese with but lots of inflatable bouncy houses in it.  She was excited because she had not been to one before, and it definitely wore her out.  Didn't take too much after having her sleepover the night before.  Here are a few pictures from the Monkey Joe birthday party:

On Sunday I turned 29 again for the fourth time!  It is amazing how that keeps happening.  We went to Disney World because, well, we can, and why not??  The weather was gorgeous (80 degrees, sunny, light breeze), and I heard from folks back home that if we were back in Iowa I would have had SNOW on my birthday!!!  Well, that is just ridiculous, and I am glad that I missed out on that one!  We all had tons of fun, and even Silas did great and agreed to ride in the stroller at times (that has been one of our newest battles with him....he thinks he can walk like his sister, but doesn't like to hold hands and instead just walks off to whatever he wants to look at.....).
Magic Kingdom!!

Silas and I riding Cinderella's Carousel

Ava posing with a statue.

Poor little buy passed out on Daddy's shoulder as we were leaving.
Today was Monday, and it was the start to a very busy week for me.  I took on a new daycare baby, and it is a 12 week old little girl.  Today was her first day.  In addition to that, I had my two part time kiddos here as well.  So the total was five little ones.  Five ALL in diapers still, and three of them still taking bottles.  My day consisted of making bottles, feeding babies, and changing diapers.  It was crazy busy, but we all survived. :-)  Here are a few pictures from today:
Silas "chilling" during his quiet time, watching some Curious George.

One of the daycare kids gave us this motorcycle ride-on to leave here.  Silas LOVES it!

Riding naked, of there any other way??

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